Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Ruse


whatever . im still on her side. you CAN try to bring her down. but you'll never hurt her. as long as im here. i'll be there for her. forever.
you'll never get away with this. She's way to nice
you're WAY to evil. you, JERK!


Allysson Caith. 14 goin on 15. loves debating . Jen's best friend
Zachary Norrington. 15 goin on 16. secretly hates Jenny, his little sister
Jeniffer Norrington. 14 goin on 15. a heroic girl. athletic


[clear chat history]
8:55pm Zack Norrings

She cant do nothin. and im goin to ruin her life

8:55pm Alice Caith

well, she CAN breathe, eat, talk -__-

8:55pm Zack Norrings

and IF you're goin to warn her, she'll never believe you

8:55pm Alice Caith

yea FINE .
i am goin to warn her, and if she thinks im lying. well fine

8:55pm Zack Norrings

She cant trust a person that easily, she needs proof

and you're a girl
what can you do?

8:55pm Alice Caith
i have the proof :]:]

i can eat, sleep, talk, chat :]

8:56pm Zack Norrings

ass. all that you can do is flirt with guys

what? this is goin to be your proof? pathethic

8:56pm Alice Caith

well. if the guy is somewhat hot and worthed. why not?

8:56pm Zack Norrings

this conversation? your proof?

8:56pm Alice Caith


8:57pm Zack Norrings

you flirty b tch

8:57pm Alice Caith


my definition of "flirtin" is diffrent


8:57pm Zack Norrings

Jenny got her own nick name

"Our Hero"
she always gets the blame. HA

8:59pm Zack Norrings

she sacrificed herself for her family

8:59pm Alice Caith

"Hero" .. she is my hero

8:59pm Zack Norrings


8:59pm Alice Caith

that meaans

she's a nice person


why'd you hate her

she's like, super awsome and kind

9:00pm Zack Norrings

she saved grandma once, and she splits her hand . i hate her
she thinks she's modest and all. HAH

9:00pm Alice Caith

well, she is nice -__-

why cant you accept the fact, that she is a her0?

9:00pm Zack Norrings

she saved my lil bro once. and he became obsessive of her. ugh

i hate it when she PRETENDS to ve the hero


9:01pm Alice Caith

well, if everybody thinks like you

cleopatra'll be burnt alive! lol


9:02pm Zack Norrings

she saved me from those alley kids. hate them. and she ended up in hospital .
and i got blamed for it


9:03pm Alice Caith

what did you do? why'd they ambush you if you done nothing wrong?

9:03pm Zack Norrings

none of your bussines. freak

9:03pm Alice Caith

whoa. and you got saved by a girl. whaat a gentleman, LOL

well im only asking

curious :]:]

9:03pm Zack Norrings

curious freak

9:04pm Alice Caith

well is it forbidden or what?


9:04pm Zack Norrings

girls cant know about my bussines ..

9:05pm Alice Caith

why not?

9:07pm Zack Norrings



Alice told no one. and kept it for herself.
Zack secretly hated Jenny
Jenny is home. tired. and she spent the rest of the day, chatting and talking to
her Beloved brother Zack

Alice is dangling in the middle. dilemma
She knew that Jenny would never believe her.
She knew that she would be "the freak who lies" .. again
and she'll lose Jenny, if she told her about this

no one'll believe her. no one

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